Datadog Webinar Hub

Datadog needed a central hub for all of its webinars to be easily accessible for its current and prospective users. We wanted to create visibility around new webinars that were to be released in the future as well as all of our past webinars that were available to anyone on our website. I was tasked with creating a fully responsive user experience that compiled and organized all of these webinars in one place. I designed a filtering system that tagged each one by webinar type and language and added a calendar view to the Upcoming Webinar section so that users could get see which ones were being released in the future and attend in real time. We saw massive traffic to this page post-launch as well as a sharp increase in attendees and webinar views.

UI/UX design

Adobe Illustrator


Final design

Designs modified for mobile view

Filter and calendar functionality

Color-coded tag system for webinar type and language

Upcoming webinars wireframe

Upcoming webinars wireframe with calendar view

Upcoming webinars wireframe with calendar popup

On demand webinars wireframe (with original title)

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